Digital Imaging Case Study

Sustainable Theme: Clean Water and Sanitation

Initially I was going to stick on my Digital Design concept with Vestas and create a hyperrealism poster using the theme of clean energy but after some consideration it felt lazy just sticking with one topic. So I shifted to my second subject that was clean water and sanitation.

So after some digging around some companies and their backgrounds one really caught my attention, Planet Water Foundation whose approach towards water accessibility, sanitation, and education that became worldwide spanning multiple countries that benefit from their services.

Starting in the Asia-Pacific region, Planet Water Foundation’s founder, Mark Steele, took the initiative to support local communities with community-based water systems and organizing hygiene education programs that focus on rural communities, schools and kids. For example World Water Day, the Foundation and its corporate partners enacted to bring clean drinking water and educational programs to 24 different communities in 24 hours. The efforts of Planet Water Foundation are supporting nearly 1 million people in 13 countries to ensure access to safe water.

Planet Water Foundation at it’s core is a non-profit organization, but what I liked the most about this organization was their inclusiveness to the community. There are several world-wide organizations that work to provide clean water but the Planet Water Foundation go the extra mile to help educate the community.
This alone was enough to catch my eye because the simple act of supporting a community is great, but engaging in it and building on it, isn’t something you hear from your average charity group, no, Planet Water undertook this responsibility upon themselves to educate the very same communities they work with.

  • Digital Imaging Poster

Took a new spin on the hyperrealism take for while initially I planned to create another clean energy theme with a wind turbine in the fashion of a tree. Later down the line I got curious into the clean water faction of sustainable practices.

So with that said I twisted my previous idea and while building this concept of clean water and education which is the very foundation of this company. With that in mind I figured creating a poster depicting a book with a sort of arc of water flowing over the pages to properly visualize that concept.

So as a basis, my plan is to use a sort of open faced book such as the one below and have a sort of stream of an water arc or wave over the pages like a kind of rainbow over the sky.

Some other concepts were to have that same book as a basis and spread water splashes across the page with perhaps a rainbow arcing across the image.

Scrapped the idea of using the waterfall across the book due to its transparency wasn’t to my liking. However, I’m currently underway of searching for a more suitable source material as a proper sample. With the previous droplet sample it was a quick fix of cropping out the PNG background of the color white and thanks to the design gave a perfect watery look that is transparent enough to even see the text on the book.

Of course It still needs some touching up but I’ll worry about that for another day as I sort out more samples I’m confident on.

  • New Concept

Upon looking online for more source material, I wasn’t wholly satisfied with a plain book and water splases. I wanted to get a person if not a human like object to portray a greater sense of realism. Then I came across this wonderful image depicting a young boy reading a book.

Then from here I changed the background and kept the concept of water splashes to represent clean water. I came up with some motivational quotes and the finished product would go along the lines of this.

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